The forgotten women of Australian vaudeville

My Giddy Aunt, a new book by documentary filmmaker Sharon Connolly, shines a light on the forgotten women of Australia’s vaudeville past. The television producer and former chief executive of Film Australia, Sharon Connolly has been involved in making many landmark history series, films. Like her documentary Red Matildas she writes

And Just Like That: Thoughts on the reboot

With the news the Sex and the City reboot And Just Like That is being renewed for a second season, the Broad couldn’t help but wonder about a new opening scene. Evening, bedroom, camera zooms in on one of the trio in the final throes of passion with her bedmate. She flops

3 Scandi films to watch now

If you like a bit of Scandi TV, then the Broad highly recommends delving into some films of the Nordic and Scandi variety. Scandi Noir has been having something of a moment, although it has to be said that its moment has lasted for quite a few years. It was largely

Meet Author Jessica Mudditt

Jessica Mudditt is a freelance journalist and the author of Our Home in Myanmar, a memoir about her four years living and working in Myanmar with her Bangladeshi husband, Sherpa. She shares her experiences as a foreign reporter and what it was like capturing that in her book with the

Meet Author Susanne Gervay

Susanne Gervay OAM is an award-winning author of many novels and YA stories, who found her passion for writing through personal loss, and has spent her career showing the power of stories to help and guide readers young and old. “Life’s dramas sent me to the writer’s page,” says writer Susanne

5 books & TV shows for IWD

Five TV shows and books to inspire, enrage and engage this International Women’s Day. The Double X Economy The Double X Economy: The Epic Potential of Women’s Empowerment, Linda Scott “Historic structures have placed women into an almost entirely separate and restricted economic sphere, and this arrangement tangibly limits growth, widens inequality and

What’s your guilty pleasure TV?

What are your guilty pleasure TV shows? Or are you hate-watching TV, watching a show you don't always like, but can't seem to turn off. The Broad usually like to be evenhanded when it comes to reviewing TV, films and books. Typically only the shows and books worth recommending get

What to watch, read and listen to in February

The monthly round-up of TV, film, book and article recommendations that includes Spanish Princess, Love, Nina, Sir, Loud and You Don’t Belong Here. A Note on TV Spanish Princess Two new TV series to talk about this month, both set in England, although worlds apart in time and topic. We know a lot

5 digital trends for 2021

The digital trends we’re likely to see in 2021, from 8K TV and digital reality in work and study to video doctor consults and smart devices. It wouldn’t be a new year without a predictions post, so here goes with a bunch of predictions for the way digital and the internet